Andy Chu
2009-11-14 18:23:26 UTC
You may have seen that some of my well known coworkers released the Go
programming language:
The syntax of the templating language is basically a subset of JSON
Template. However there is no JSON involved -- it uses reflection on
Go structs.
"The template package, inspired by json-template, is powerful; this
program just touches on its capabilities. In essence, it rewrites a
piece of text on the fly by substituting elements derived from data
items passed to templ.Execute, in this case the form value. Within the
template text (templateStr), brace-delimited pieces denote template
actions. The piece from the {.section @} to {.end} executes with the
value of the data item @, which is a shorthand for “the current item”,
which is the form value. (When the string is empty, this piece of the
template is suppressed.) "
Eventually I want to make this JSON/struct difference moot. JSON
Template is a data-driven templating language. There is the analogy:
JS object (in memory) : JSON Serialization format
Struct (in memory) :: Protocol Buffer (Google serialization format)
JSON Template can work with the first 2 things. Since protocol
buffers are in some way "isomorphic" to JSON -- they are both a tree
of key-value pairs, JSON Template should be able to work with the
latter two as well. (Although the name might be out of date at that
programming language:
The syntax of the templating language is basically a subset of JSON
Template. However there is no JSON involved -- it uses reflection on
Go structs.
"The template package, inspired by json-template, is powerful; this
program just touches on its capabilities. In essence, it rewrites a
piece of text on the fly by substituting elements derived from data
items passed to templ.Execute, in this case the form value. Within the
template text (templateStr), brace-delimited pieces denote template
actions. The piece from the {.section @} to {.end} executes with the
value of the data item @, which is a shorthand for “the current item”,
which is the form value. (When the string is empty, this piece of the
template is suppressed.) "
Eventually I want to make this JSON/struct difference moot. JSON
Template is a data-driven templating language. There is the analogy:
JS object (in memory) : JSON Serialization format
Struct (in memory) :: Protocol Buffer (Google serialization format)
JSON Template can work with the first 2 things. Since protocol
buffers are in some way "isomorphic" to JSON -- they are both a tree
of key-value pairs, JSON Template should be able to work with the
latter two as well. (Although the name might be out of date at that